Sunday, November 7

i am going to be on that stage like her.

i am going to work my way through to be a professional dancer.
I am going to be an unlimited dancer whereby i can do all genres of dance.

thats my dream,
no one can stop me.
not even my injuries.

Hang on Mabel,
you can!

Woke up at 12.10pm today.
wts i slept for like more than 12 hours.
i hated the feeling.
like i wasted my whole day! ):

then i watched this show - shaolin girl
Its about her dreams as well.
like spreading shaolin kungfu in her hometown - Japan.
i was really touched by her.

and thats when i set my dreams on road again.
Went of for contemp.
did alot of floorwork which then involved in using arm's strength.
Pain like hell.

But i hang it on till end of lesson.
and i did it! :D

i must recover fast before performance.
aiming to get the role for Angel item.

i can!
and i must.