Tuesday, November 9

Was thinking alot on the train to school today.

Why do i have to go through this every single time with my best friend?

First time was with Jingrui during PSLE's year
Then it was with my clique during O level's year.
Then now?

though we got even closer and better after all these shit,
but still it sucks.

argh whatever now.
if i am leaving JC,
then good.
as i will be shifting,
so can just throw all unhappiness i had in PJC behind.
and move on to a new environment again.

if i am not,
then i have to clear up this stupid shit.

fuck okay.
and my group.
fuck it.
they thought they are awesome in presenting.
but they are totally wrong.

now my confidence is shaken.
i got to practice tonight.
just keep reading and memorising.
luckily mine is short.
i heck care about the rest already.

i dont want them to say cause its my fault.
thats all.

mood totally spoilt!